Fitness – We Have Been Taught To Focus On The Wrong Thing

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, I am seeing that the fitness field today is all about what’s HOT, NEW, and TRENDY.  This stuff is attractive and appealing to the masses.  The good news is it is getting people into exercise.  However, did you know that there are actually scientific principles behind exercise that almost no developer behind HOT, NEW, and TRENDY fitness paths seem to consider?

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Building Muscle: Four Exercise Necessities

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, I see a number of papers, books, and articles written on building muscle.  In fact, this is probably one of the most frequently discussed subjects within mainstream fitness.

However, a lot of these publications and discussions miss the boat on what actually needs to happen from an exercise-conditions standpoint.  And honestly, it is really not as complicated as some sources make it out to be.

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Five Principles to Help You Exercise For Life

One thing I am seeing in the exercise industry is a lack of specificity. In particular, specificity when it comes to exercise design and prescription for an individual. This bleeds over into many areas – the type of exercise, the dosage of the exercise, the speed/tempo at which the exercise is performed, the tools used to perform the exercise. In fact, almost everything in the exercise industry is the complete opposite of specific. One size fits most programs; group fitness classes; semi-private training; exercise DVDs, books, and online programs; and exercise tips given to the masses are all examples of this.
