E340 – Why Having Strong Hamstrings Isn’t Enough To Prevent Hamstring Injuries

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Do you have a history of hamstring injuries?  Oftentimes, the recommended step to prevent future injuries is to strengthen the hamstring. While having hamstrings that are strong enough is part of the equation, this recommendation overlooks many of the other variables that need to be considered with hamstring injuries. Worse yet, following this recommendation can actually set you up for Read more…

How To Increase Your Workout Consistency By At Least 30%

With as busy as life can be these days, it can be really easy to let yourself have the same thoughts, use the same words, and do the same actions as everybody around you… …Thinking, “There’s so much to do…I don’t know when I will get my workouts in.” …Saying, “I don’t have time to workout this week. I have too much to get done.” …And doing a whole bunch of things that aren’t your Read more…

E339 – Why Pushing Your Range of Motion Is Making You Less Mobile

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Do you feel like you are becoming less flexible and mobile despite doing all the “right” things?  The truth is, many of the traditional strategies for increasing mobility can actually be making you less mobile, especially if you are really trying hard to push yourself with them. Fortunately, there are some simple changes you can make with what you are Read more…

Ladies – Your Sciatica Isn’t What You Think It Is

Ladies–have you ever had sciatica? That sharp, shooting pain that goes from your butt down the back of your leg towards your knee? So many women in their 50s and beyond experience sciatica symptoms, but what you are being told is the issue isn’t the entire story… In my experience, most women are told–from their physician or other trusted sources–that the issue with their sciatica symptoms has to do with a specific nerve being pinched Read more…

Do Your Muscles Need Tutoring? – Muscle Activation Techniques®

Do your muscles need some extra “tutoring”? In school, students do tutoring to help themselves get a better understanding of certain subjects. They may be really strong in math, but need some extra help with history, so they do additional studying and learning specific to their needs to help them meet the standards for their history class. As a result, their overall GPA goes up along with their success in school. What many students want Read more…

E338 – What To Change With Your Workouts If You Have Piriformis Syndrome

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Do you have piriformis syndrome? There are a lot of proclaimed remedies out there, but what if everything you try just seems to make things worse? How can you keep your body feeling strong and fit despite having piriformis syndrome? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are laying out a plan to follow with changes Read more…

Basketball Players – How To Have Long-Term Athletic Success

Basketball players–If you want to stay strong, mobile, athletic, and injury-free over the long haul, there is one thing you NEED to prioritize above all else. It is not your skill development. It is not your physical fitness. It is not your basketball IQ. While all of those are important, there is one thing that trumps all of them when it comes to your long-term success. This one thing is rarely appreciated, often overlooked, and Read more…

E337 – The 3 Things You Need To Consider After Knee Surgery

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Have you ever had knee surgery? Too often, the focus during the recovery process is 100% focused on the knee, but that is only a piece of the puzzle. Regardless of whether you have had surgery to repair your ACL, to replace your knee entirely, or any other type of knee surgery, there are three considerations we recommend everybody take Read more…

Two Reasons Why You Need To Move Slowly When You Strength Train

One of our four Exercise For Life Principles is to Move Slowly when you strength train. You see this principle carried out in many of the workouts within the Exercise For Life Membership and throughout much of our content on our podcast, blog, and social media accounts. But why is moving slowly so important? There are two big reasons. First, moving slowly while you strength train will make it less likely that you use too Read more…

Ladies – One Overlooked Area When You Have Shoulder Pain

Ladies–have you ever woken up one morning, tried to reach your arms above your head to get a good morning stretch, and then–BING!!–you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder that wasn’t there the day before? This is a common scenario I hear about ALL THE TIME from my women once they get into their 50s. They go to sleep feeling strong, mobile, and confident; and they wake up hurting and feeling like they aged Read more…