Basketball Players – Why You Need Your Muscles Functioning Optimally

Basketball Players–how often do you work on improving the function of your muscles? The answer from post players is, “Never.” You work on your skills. You work on your conditioning. You work on your strength and athleticism. But you likely never work on improving the thing that is the driver behind all of that–the function of your muscles. Your muscle function influences so much about your game. It influences how strong you are; how mobile Read more…

The Most Effective Way To Strengthen Your Feet

Did you know that there are 50 muscles that help to control each of your feet? With 100 muscles between your right foot and left foot, that is nearly 20% of your body’s muscles dedicated to making sure your feet are moving and functioning correctly. But how often do you strengthen those muscles? While squats, pushups, rows, and planks can all be great exercises for strengthening the rest of your body, the muscles of the Read more…

E316 – What To Do If Walking Is Bothering Your Hips & Back

Learn How Muscle Activation Techniques® Can Help You Feel Stronger Than Ever: Walking is one of the most convenient ways to stay physically active throughout the day, but what if it isn’t agreeing with your body? Even though there can be a ton of health benefits from walking regularly, if it is causing your feet, knees, hips, or back to flare up, it is not going to be sustainable. If this is happening to Read more…

Cardio Workouts – When To Do Them To Be Healthy

How often do you do cardio? While the majority of our content emphasizes the importance of resistance training, you should not neglect doing cardio. Not only can cardio exercise be extremely beneficial for your heart, but your brain, disease-prevention systems, and joints can all get healthier through cardio, as well. So when should you try to work in cardio throughout your day? Here are a few things to consider: – Morning: Doing cardio in the Read more…

Osteoporosis & Exercise – How To Strengthen Your Bones With Your Workouts

Ladies–if you are over the age of 50, the thought of developing osteoporosis has likely crossed your mind at some point. You may have friends who developed osteoporosis, or perhaps somebody in your family has been diagnosed with osteopenia. Strengthening bones and keeping bones strong is a big concern for many women, so if you find this to be true for you, I want you to know you are not alone. I also want you Read more…

E315 – Is Being Mindful While You Workout The Key To Feeling Happier In 2024?

One of the most consistent recommendations we give is to be mindful of what you are focusing on while you exercise. We have had a number of conversations about how this will positively impact your physical health, but what about your mental health? Is being mindful while you exercise a key component to building your mental health and wellbeing with your workouts? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly Read more…

Basketball Players – 3 Ways To Boost Your Recovery

Basketball Players–when it comes to feeling and performing your best, recovery is key. How well you recover from practices, games, and individual workouts will have a huge influence on how well you play and how resilient your body is to injury. The day-in, day-out grind of the season can take a toll on your system, so how can you make sure your body stays ready to go? I have three strategies that I recommend to Read more…

E314 – Why Fitness Assessments Have You Focused On The Wrong Things

Fitness assessments are all the rage at the turn of the year. New Year’s Resolutions combined with a desire to document where you are starting from to track progress make many people susceptible to the hype of various assessments. Whether it is as simple as a sit to stand test to as advanced as a VO2 max assessment, people of all fitness levels are looking to figure out how well their body can perform. But, Read more…

E313 – How To Workout If You Have A Rotator Cuff Issue

Have you ever had an issue with your rotator cuff? Not only can this be incredibly painful for the shoulder, it can also be a large reason why people choose to stop exercising temporarily or all together. But, if you’ve followed our content at all, you know the number one thing you can do to live a long, healthy, and strong life is exercise… So how can you make sure you get a workout in Read more…