Fall Weather – 3 Considerations When Working Out Outside

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we want to talk about the fall weather changes.  Hey, autumn is upon us, and that means different considerations for you if you are working out outside during this time of year.


On a time budget? Exercise with these three tips.

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we’re talking to those of you who are on a time budget.  Those of you who want to exercise, who need to exercise, but your schedule is super restricted.  How can you still fit exercise in with a limited time budget?



Hip Ab/Adduction Machine – 3 Reasons You Need To Be Using This

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-MInute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we are talking about a specific machine.  In fact, this machine is usually just thought of as “the ladies’ machine”.  But, we need to explain to the fellas why you need to be using it as well.

The machine we are talking about is the hip abduction and adduction machine.  That is the machine where you sit down and you push your legs out or you sit down and you push your legs together.


Soreness With Exercise – 3 Considerations When Feeling Sore

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we are talking to those of you who love working out to the point where you are sore.  You wake up the next day and you feel achy and you love that feeling.  Why should you work out not to the point of soreness?
