E333 – The Muscle Issues Behind Frozen Shoulder

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Have you ever had a frozen shoulder? This is one of the most common shoulder issues that people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s experience, and it can be one of the most complex, as well. While many ways of improving frozen shoulder focus on improving the joint’s mobility, there is a huge role that your muscles can play in Read more…

One Little-Known Reason Why Most People Don’t Exercise

One giant thing we see holding people back from exercising is not that they don’t have time or they don’t have easily accessible workouts… But rather that they haven’t given themselves permission to use their time, their energy, their resources, their attention for themselves. Whether it is a story they learned in childhood or something they adopted as they grew older, so many people operate under the false belief that the best thing they can Read more…

E332 – It’s Not Your IT Bands’ Fault

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services  Have you ever had an IT band issue?  Maybe your IT bands are chronically tight. Or maybe you have even been told you have IT band syndrome. Or maybe you have had some pains down the side of your legs towards your knees…  Despite how your IT bands may be feeling, what you have been told about it, or how Read more…

How To Prevent Brittle Bones – The Missing Link With Osteoporosis Exercises

Ladies–if you are in your 50s or beyond then I am sure you have thought about your bone health. How can you build stronger bones? What can you do to keep your bone density high? Are there certain exercises you need to do? What about specific supplements to take? All of these questions are exactly what many women think about once they get into their 50s, and for good reason… Bone health is extremely important! Read more…

E331 – The #1 Thing Dentists Can Do To Keep Their Hands & Neck Feeling Great

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Dentists–do your hands and neck feel like they are wearing out on you with all of the reps you are putting on them day after day? These two areas are far and away the top areas of complaint that we hear from dentists all the time. Maybe you’ve tried everything you can think of to get your hands and neck Read more…

Can Muscle Activation Techniques Help You Live Pain Free?

Have you heard of Muscle Activation Techniques® or MAT® but aren’t sure what it is? Have you heard that MAT® is helping people live pain-free, but have no idea how or if it would work for you? Charlie Cates was recently interviewed on the Biohacking Superhuman Performance podcast where he answered these very questions and more. He and the show’s host, Nathalie Niddam, dove deep into many aspects of MAT®, the MAT® process, who it Read more…

Basketball Players – The Best Way To Reduce Achilles Stress

Basketball players–Achilles stress is no joke. Too many seasons and careers have been cut short due to Achilles injuries and tears. Unfortunately, despite all of the training advancements out there, the Achilles tendon is still susceptible to a number of issues. But there’s good news–there is a lot you can do to protect and strengthen your Achilles and the surrounding muscles and tissues; however, what you do may look a bit different than what you Read more…

E330 – 3 Big Mistakes With Postural Exercises

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Do you do exercises to try to improve your posture? While these types of exercises are popular in many circles within the fitness industry as well as with different types of therapists, there are some big mistakes we see people commonly making with these exercises. Unfortunately, making any of these mistakes doesn’t just lead to feeling achy or sore; these Read more…

3 Common But Unexpected Responses After Muscle Activation Techniques

Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®) is one of the most powerful things you can do to help improve your overall health and function. The goal of MAT® is to assess your body to figure out where you have muscles that aren’t contracting well and then address those muscles to get them working better. When this happens, we see our clients’ strength improve, their joint motion and flexibility improve, their ability to recover from activity to improve, Read more…

E329 – How To Create A Healthy Liver For Life – Interview with Kristin Kirkpatrick

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services You have likely thought about the health of your heart and brain, but what about the health of your liver?  While the mainstream news doesn’t typically focus on liver health much, the truth is that without a healthy liver, the rest of your body cannot be healthy long-term. So what can you do to help your liver become healthy and Read more…