Ladies–if you are in your 50s or beyond then I am sure you have thought about your bone health.

How can you build stronger bones? What can you do to keep your bone density high? Are there certain exercises you need to do? What about specific supplements to take?

All of these questions are exactly what many women think about once they get into their 50s, and for good reason…

Bone health is extremely important!

I have written at length about some key things that need to happen with your workouts to keep your bone density high and build stronger bones (see this post here and this post here), but there is something I haven’t written about too much that can completely change your ability to build stronger bones.

Before we get into that, I first want to acknowledge that while many women want to build stronger bones and avoid developing osteoporosis or osteopenia, most women are also scared of hurting themselves while working out.

This is totally understandable!

There can be a lot of fear centered around hurting your muscles or joints from trying to lift too much weight or not using proper form, but what I want to share with you today can change all of that.

In fact, this post highlights what I believe to be the single greatest thing you can do to prevent injuries, aches, pains, and soreness from working out, no matter how heavy you are trying to lift.

What this means for you is you get to focus on building stronger muscles and bones without having to worry about the injuries that hold so many women back.

What is this thing??

Let me say this–in order for your joints, cartilage, ligaments, discs, and fascia to stay healthy, their “protectors” need to be working well.

It’s kind of like if your joints are the superstars and their protectors are the bodyguards.

As long as the bodyguards are working well, the superstars will stay protected. But if the bodyguards get sick or don’t show up, the superstars become vulnerable.

The same goes for your joints, ligaments, etc.

The question is–what is the bodyguard of your joints??

And the answer is…


Yes, your muscles are designed to protect your joints, your ligaments, your cartilage, your discs, etc.

The stronger and better working your muscles are, the healthier and better protected these other tissues stay.

But, if your muscles stop working well, your joints and other tissues become vulnerable to pain and injury.

So how do you keep your muscles working well?

Having worked with hundreds of clients since 2012, I can say for certain that the single best thing you can do to keep your muscles working well is Muscle Activation Techniques®, or MAT®.

The MAT® process identifies where in your body you have muscles that aren’t working well and then addresses those muscles directly to get them working better.

As a result, your joints, ligaments, and other tissues stay healthy and protected, which means you can lift the heavy weight you need to in order to build stronger bones without as great of a risk of injuring yourself.

But here’s the other thing–as your muscles get working better, your strength will increase, which means you will be able to lift weights that are even heavier and build stronger, more dense bones in the process.

Adding in Muscle Activation Techniques® once a week to once a month has been a total game-changer for many of my female clients who are wanting to build stronger bones without injuring themselves.

Not only do they feel better throughout the day and while they are working out, but they are actually able to workout with the weight and intensity they need to in order to build stronger bones–and do so without feeling achy, sore, or injured!

If you would like to try Muscle Activation Techniques® for yourself, you can schedule your initial consultation and assessment with me here.

The MAT® process truly is the perfect complement to workouts that build the strength of your bones because it helps you exercise harder and lift heavier while keeping your joints healthy and safe.

Remember, in order to build stronger bones, you need to lift heavy weights and you need to do it often, but many women are scared of injuring themselves in the process.

By using MAT® to keep their muscles strong and working well, I have worked with many women who are able to build the strength of their bones and muscles without any of the aches or pains that most women get when they try to do it on their own.

I would love to see you on my MAT® table soon, so click here to schedule your time to come in and I can’t wait to see you then!

In strength and health,


Julie Cates

Julie Cates is an experienced, certified, and insured National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certified Personal Trainer and mastery level Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®) Rx Specialist (MATRx). She is one of 88 certified mastery level Resistance Training Specialists® (RTSm) in the world. This combination makes her style of training impactful and still preventative and restorative of joint and muscle issues and pain that are common with exercise. Julie specializes working with women 50 and over. Specifically, her main focus is working with women with bone density loss, muscle loss, Osteopenia, and Osteoporosis. Julie has incredible experience working with brand new exercisers. Very specific types and styles of exercises are needed for restoring and maintaining bone density, and Julie guides her clients through these in a pain-free way. She is also well experienced in helping women exercise even with various joint, bone, systemic, and neurological diagnoses. Julie is definitely your go-to personal trainer for women with Osteoporosis! Julie graduated cum laude from the University of Florida. She earned her degree in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology with a specialization in Exercise Physiology. Julie is the co-owner of Muscle Activation Schaumburg in Schaumburg, IL. She is a wife and mother of two. Julie can be reached via e-mail at Follow her on Instagram at @julcates!