The MAS At-Home Workout Program

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How would you feel if time wasn’t limiting you from exercising? Or if having little exercise equipment didn’t stop you from getting in a great workout? What would it be like to feel more confident in your body? To feel strong? To feel capable? To feel healthy? What would it mean to you to be able to keep doing all of the activities you love for the years and decades to come?

As much as you may want to believe that exercising is optional, deep down you know that it isn’t if you truly want to be well and feel well. But between the inconvenience of getting to the gym on a consistent basis and the confusing misinformation about exercise that is everywhere, how do you even get started?

Luckily for you, there is a solution – the MAS At-Home Workout Program.

Choose from over 100 different workouts that you can do right from your home! The MAS At-Home Workout Program includes:

  • A video-guided 75-day daily workout plan so you never have to figure out what you should do for your next workout (Valued at $1500)
  • A workout journal to help you keep consistent with your workouts so you get all of the health benefits of exercising on a regular basis (Valued at $25)
  • 75 video-guided resistance training workouts so you can improve your strength and tone right from home – even if you don’t have equipment! (Valued at $750)
  • 20 video-guided recovery workouts to make sure your body stays healthy and you can keep progressing (Valued at $200)
  • 19 video-guided cardio workouts to improve your endurance and conditioning – even if you hate cardio! (Valued at $190)
  • 12 video-guided mobility workshops to keep you flexible and strong – all without stretching! (Valued at $120)
  • 7 week-long challenges to increase your self-confidence and show you that you CAN do this! (Valued at $70)

Total Value of the MAS At-Home Workout Program = $2,855!!

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Improve your strength, your endurance, and your mobility while learning how to exercise appropriately for your body for life, all from the comfort and privacy of your home!

What others are saying about the MAS At-Home Workout Program:

“I haven’t worked out this frequently or consistently since high school. The workouts aren’t terribly long, so it is pretty easy to convince myself to do them. It always feels great!.” – Cathy L., 33

“Compassion and self-compassion are the root of health. The desire to exercise and take care of the body are rooted in self-care and love. Your program is absolutely set up to reinforce that, and I think the world needs so much more of this.” – Alyssa B., 29

“I used to love to workout on a regular basis, but now I only sporadically go to the gym. I am not a self-motivator, but the online classes were so easy to (make time for).” – Nancy R., 68

“The mental descriptions on how to use each muscle were very helpful when trying to focus on what muscle group we were engaging.” – Trisha P., 30

“I felt like (Julie and Charlie) made it personal to ME even though others were participating.” – Linda C., 58

“The MAS At-Home Workout Program improved my strength, increased my frequency and consistency of exercise, and built my list of exercises I can do at home and at the gym.” – Lauren W., 34

“Visualizations in the exercise explanations helped me focus and I felt it increased my accuracy of the exercise. I felt I got more firm without soreness.” – Robyn S., 60

“I look forward to each day when I am able to do the class…right in my home.” – Cindy Z., 60

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Find a way to consistently exercise no matter how busy your life. Feel strong, capable, and confident in your body. Become a healthier version of you.

Get started now for $97.

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