Exercise For Life

Five Ways To Make Sure Your Workouts Are Progressing Your Health

Are your workouts progressing your health?

Most times, progress is measured by external things – how much weight you are able to lift, how many reps you are able to do, how long you can do something before you get tired, what the scale says…

But the truth is that none of these measurements are actually indicative of your health.

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So how do you know if your workouts are progressing your health??

Do you have to get bloodwork done after every workout to see if you are heading in the right direction??

Fortunately, no. There are some things that are much easier to do that will tell you if your workouts are progressing your health.

Here are the five things we recommend paying attention to:

1. How are you feeling during and immediately after you workout?

2. How are you feeling in the hours and days that follow your workout?

3. How connected do you feel to your muscles during and after your workout?

4. How well do you feel your joints moving during and after you workout?

5. How aware are you of your posture / body positioning during and after you workout?

The better you feel during your workouts, immediately after your workouts, and during the hours and days that follow your workouts, the more likely your workouts are progressing your health in the right direction.

Likewise, the more connected to your muscles, the more mobile your joints feels, and the more aware of your posture you are during and after you workout, the more likely your workouts are progressing your health in the right direction.

On the flipside, if you are constantly feeling drained, exhausted, depleted, achy, sore, or disconnected from your body during or after your workouts, the more likely your workouts are making your health and function worse, especially if these feelings last for more than an hour or so after you finish your workout.

But, if you are feeling this way, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Every workout within the Exercise For Life Membership is designed to help you improve your health, in part by making sure each of the five criteria above are being met and are taking you in the right direction.

You can try out the workouts in the Exercise For Life Membership for free for the next 14 days to see for yourself what a difference they make in your strength and how your body feels. Click here to activate your free trial and get started with your first workout today!

The next time you do a workout, pay attention to the five things above and see how your body responds during and after your workout. Then make the adjustments we teach you within the Exercise For Life Membership to ensure that your health, strength, and function continue to improve with each workout!

Here’s to health,

Julie & Charlie

Team MAS

Muscle Activation Schaumburg is an exercise facility located in Schaumburg, IL with a goal to help you keep your health for as long as possible. We know that it is your health that allows you to do the things you love in life. This is why we promote a lifestyle that includes exercise, rather than exercise that is a burden to your life. Muscle Activation Schaumburg provides Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®) and personal training services to its clients. We use MAT® and exercise to increase the function of your body. A well-functioning body is what allows you to stay healthy and do the things you love. We value helping the members of our community of Schaumburg as well as surrounding communities of the Northwest Suburbs improve their health.

Published by
Team MAS