Incline Treadmills & Your Cervical Spine

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing different precautions and considerations when walking on an incline treadmill. Incline treadmill walking is a common cardio exercise, but it does not come without potential risks. Today, we want to talk to you about how walking on an incline treadmill can affect your cervical spine, i.e. your neck.

Not many people consider the effects of walking on their cervical spine and neck, but issues in this area can become very apparent when walking on an incline treadmill. Reason being, the incline often forces the user to put their head in a weird position to keep their eyes level with the floor. As a result, many people experience stress in the back of their neck from the forward head position that is used while on the treadmill.

We have some considerations we recommend you taking if you are wanting to walk on an incline treadmill, as well as some ways to troubleshoot potential issues with the muscles of your cervical spine. We also discuss a simple exercise you can do to help strengthen the muscles that will control your cervical spine and may even help improve the function of your shoulders, too.

Check out all of the details in this week’s episode of Trainer Tip Tuesday, and be sure to tune back in next week as we transition to discussing different considerations with a new piece of equipment for the month of February.

Team MAS

Muscle Activation Schaumburg is an exercise facility located in Schaumburg, IL with a goal to help you keep your health for as long as possible. We know that it is your health that allows you to do the things you love in life. This is why we promote a lifestyle that includes exercise, rather than exercise that is a burden to your life. Muscle Activation Schaumburg provides Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®) and personal training services to its clients. We use MAT® and exercise to increase the function of your body. A well-functioning body is what allows you to stay healthy and do the things you love. We value helping the members of our community of Schaumburg as well as surrounding communities of the Northwest Suburbs improve their health.

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Team MAS