Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays. This week, many of you have gyms that have temporarily closed down, and you may even be in lockdown at your house. This can create a new challenge for you to get your workouts in. You finally have the time to exercise, but now what do you do? We have some tips to help make sure you can still get your workouts in on a consistent basis despite having minimal equipment and being at home.

1) Join Our Daily Facebook Live Workouts

The first thing you can do if you want to get workouts in at home is you can join in on our daily 20-minute Facebook Live workouts that are broadcast right from our Facebook page. We are doing the workouts from home, as well, and they require minimal equipment. If you are not able to join us Live, you can check out the replay of the workouts right on our Facebook page, too!

Action Step:  Set an alert in your phone for 11:00 AM every day as that is when we will be going live with the workouts. And make sure to give our Facebook page a LIKE so you can stay up to date with what is happening!

Related: Are you moving enough each day?

2) Schedule Your Workouts

The second thing you can do if you want to get workouts in at home is to schedule your workouts. Now, more than ever, it is of the utmost importance to schedule your workouts. One thing that we have heard from many people who are stuck at home is they all of a sudden have significantly more free time than before, which they find themselves filling with sitting around. Your time will always get filled, so unless you schedule your workouts (for example, every day at 11:00 AM on Facebook Live :-D) it is unlikely they are going to get done.

Action Step:  Join us Live or join us another time, at the end of the day your workouts just have to get done. So, take a look at your schedule and figure out when it will work for you to exercise this week, then put it in your schedule to do so.

Related: Schedule changes? Here’s how to still get your workouts in.

3) Utilize This Time To Get Outside

The third thing you can do if you want to get your workouts in at home is to utilize the time you have right now to get outside and get moving. Go for a run. Break your bike out of the garage. Plan a daily afternoon walk. If the weather is nice where you are at, take advantage of it by making it a point to get outside every day and move.

Action Step:  When during your day can you fit in a 15-minute walk outside? After lunch? After dinner? Take a look at the week ahead and start getting into the habit of moving outside each day.

Team MAS

Muscle Activation Schaumburg is an exercise facility located in Schaumburg, IL with a goal to help you keep your health for as long as possible. We know that it is your health that allows you to do the things you love in life. This is why we promote a lifestyle that includes exercise, rather than exercise that is a burden to your life. Muscle Activation Schaumburg provides Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®) and personal training services to its clients. We use MAT® and exercise to increase the function of your body. A well-functioning body is what allows you to stay healthy and do the things you love. We value helping the members of our community of Schaumburg as well as surrounding communities of the Northwest Suburbs improve their health.