What Your Gym Hasn’t Taught You by Julie Errington

I used to be a personal trainer in a big gym. One of the most common things that members ALWAYS wanted but never felt they got was an understanding of how to use the exercise machines. The only way people seemed to learn this was by watching others! In this book, I hope to outline the basics of each machine so that you can feel confident going to the gym and using them on your own. In this book, it will be impossible to provide the individual tweaks and adjustments needed for your specific body. However, if you are looking for a resource to determine these adjustments, contact me at julie@matschaumburg.com so I can recommend a qualified personal trainer near you. I will be breaking down each machine into three topics. The first is how to generally set up the machine for your body. The second will be a tip to help reduce risk while using this machine. The last will be a cue on what to think about while using the machine. I hope you find the content in this book both helpful and informative. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or feedback you have. I look forward to helping you exercise for life.